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Don't Leave Home without It

by Keith Gatling | 5 years ago

Keith Library Card Blog Art2I can’t begin to tell you how many times I see people here in the library who want to take something out, but don’t have their library card with them.

 “Oh, I didn’t know I was gonna be stopping by,” is their usual refrain.

 On the one hand, since I’ve always carried my library card with me proudly ever since I got my first one at age five, I want to say, “Really? How much space does it really take up in your wallet?” On the other hand, as the owner of a wallet about to burst at the seams from the various cards I have in it, I totally get it.

Why carry around a card that you’re probably not going to need most of the time?

But there’s one thing that most people always have with them, no matter where they go, or how light they’re trying to travel: their cell phone. And your cell phone can solve the problem of never having your library card with you.

Because our new self-checkout machines, our MediaBank machine, and even our print release stations will allow you to type in your library card number…if you know it…or have it on your phone.

Where would you put it on your phone? How about in the listing for yourself in your contacts app. You can put it in the Notes field as Fiona did in the example shown here.

So now you can leave home without it…without leaving home without it!