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Sometimes the Trivia Deserves a Longer Look: Sea Here

by Keith Gatling | 4 years ago

One of the things we really miss about doing in-person trivia nights is the ability to go a little in depth about the answers to some of the questions. Well, enough of that! Every now and then we’re gonna do that here!

I don’t recall how I stumbled across it, but YouTube is like look for a video about model trains, and suddenly there’s one about WK Kellogg of cereal fame. In this case, I was looking for the next video in the Lost in the Pond series, and there was a video about the highway into the sea, that just couldn’t be ignored.

Now who on earth builds a highway into the sea? Why the Dutch, of course! And why? Well, actually, the Afsluitdijk is primarily a dike built to hold back the sea and reclaim more land from it. The highway just happens to be built on top of it, and lets you travel quickly from one part of the Netherlands to another.

It’s truly an engineering marvel, but rather than sit here typing about it, and not doing it justice, I’ll intentionally point you to the same vIdeo that I accidentally stumbled upon.

And who knows what other videos you’ll stumble across as a result!