Liverpool Public Library

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Student Library Card

Pool Pass Logo

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Your all-access virtual student library card.

What is ‘Pool Pass? 

‘Pool Pass is a virtual public library card for every student at Liverpool CSD.  

It is part of a partnership between the Liverpool Public Library and the Liverpool Central School District that enables students to use their Student ID as their library card online and in-person at Liverpool public library.

Using 'Poolpass is simple - anytime our staff or website asks for your library card barcode, just use your 9-digit student ID (the numbers start with 610 or 910).

When you are asked for a PIN, use your school 'Lunch Pin'. If you are not sure what these are, ask your school administrator for help.

What can students do with ‘Pool Pass? 

  • Download eBooks, audiobooks, and magazines from Libby.
  • Access digital resources such as homework help, test prep, newspapers, and reference books. 
  • Borrow up to 3 books, DVDs, CDs, or audiobooks.
  • Use computers in the library. 
  • Reserve a book online and pick it up at Liverpool Public Library (also called ‘placing a hold’). Students must add their email address or phone number to their ‘Pool Pass account to place a hold. Ask how to do so at the Information Desk or use the Mobile app.
  • Restrictions: 'Pool Pass accounts do not have access to video games, Hoopla, or the Library of Things. 

Do students automatically get an account? 

Yes! Students are automatically enrolled in ‘Pool Pass, unless a caregiver chooses to opt out of this service.

How does a caregiver opt-out? 

If a caregiver does not want their student to have access to Liverpool Public Library resources, they may opt-out using the form found HERE. They may print and return the form to their student’s teacher or return it in person at the Liverpool Public Library. 

How is student data used?

‘Pool Pass accounts contain minimal information - only names and Student ID numbers - and comply with all laws and regulations regarding both student and public library data. Lunch PINs are encrypted so even LPL staff cannot discover them. Contact information can be added optionally to facilitate hold notifications, but are not included by default.

Can I get a scannable barcode?

Yes! If you have a physical LCSD student ID card, you can scan that barcode at the library. You can also create a barcode digitally by loading your login information into the LPL Mobile App.

How do I use the app?

The LPL Mobile App is available on iOS and Android through the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store. You can find more information HERE.

Click on the icon labeled "Card"Click on the CARD icon on the bottom of the app screen.

Sign into the app hereSign in with the student's 9-Digit Student ID on the top line. Enter student's lunch PIN on the second line.

Click "Resources and Databases" to exploreOnce logged in, click on 'Resources & Databases'

Click any icon to exploreDepending on which resource students wish to access, students may need to enter their 9-Digit Student ID and lunch PIN.

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