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Liverpool Author Diane E. Young Finds Creative Energy in LPL Main Room

4 years ago

Diane E. Young surely appreciated the creative space in the LPL main room that awaited her after she dropped off dancer daughter Camille around the corner at Studio B on First Street.

Young would find her favorite high-backed chair, settle in with her laptop, and let her mind go off to that special spot swimming with the plot and characters forming her newest novel. Soon enough, fingers would be tapping with the latest lines for what would become The Haunted Boathouse.

"I often write at home, but sometimes the distractions are overwhelming," Young says, alluding to her 6-year-old dog, Darwin. 

image2Daughter Camille and writer mom. 

So when Camille, a student at Liverpool High School and a member of the Studio B Competition Team, worked on her moves, Diane used the time to make use of the renovated main room.

"I think I've tried every seat in your newly renovated library, but my favorite is by the window looking out over Tulip Street above the entrance to the parking garage. I accomplished a great deal of writing in that high-backed chair with my own little round table. The new library (space) is a great place to create," Young said.

Young, a 25-year resident of Liverpool, began writing books after being downsized from her longtime job at Verizon in 2018, Young calls novel-writing a lifelong ambition.

She published her first novel, Wednesday Wine Club, in 2019. The murder mystery received a five-star rating on Amazon. She followed that up with a pair of romance novels, Soulmates and Soulmates II.

She says her novel-writing goal is to finish a chapter a week. Because of increasing complexities caused by the pandemic, she finished The Haunted Boathouse at home.

image0 2Darwin is ready to help Diane work at home.

Young said she's looking forward to using the library space to work on her writing when life's patterns get back to normal.

All of her self-published books are available through Young's Amazon author page.

Look for Young's The Haunted Boathouse to be added to the LPL's collections.